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This bundle covers all expectations in the Alberta Grades 7 & 8 Science Curriculums.

These massive units contains readings, diagrams, experiments, true/false, and much more!

Most importantly, we have made cross-curriculum connections to the grades 7 and 8 language programs. Students will practice reading comprehension strategies (making connections, questioning, visualizing, and inferencing) as they work through this unit.

Check out the previews of these units to learn more about how it can benefit your students. We know you will love this no-prep, just print or upload to Google, time-saving resource!

GRADE 7 Units

Interactions and Ecosystems

Some of the concepts that are covered:

What is an ecosystem?Types of ecosystems (aquatic, terrestrial, rotting log, forests, etc.)Biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystemsBiodiversity in ecosystemsAnalyzing ecosystems – how the abiotic factors influence the biotic factorsComparing local habitats – undisturbed habitats versus habitats with heavy-useFood chain in different ecosystemsNutrient cycle - Role of decomposersWater cycle and carbon cycleFinding examples of water and carbon cycling in a local ecosystemDecomposers, producers, consumers – all the way up to apex predatorsThe effects of altering food chainsOverfishing effects on ocean food chainsCycle of matter leading to sustainabilityPrimary Succession and Secondary SuccessionCarrying capacity of ecosystemsHuman activities affecting ecosystems – Invasive species in Alberta (brown rat/Norway rat)Reforestation and clearcutting – human activities affecting ecosystemsCreating infographic about deforestationLivestock farming – Effects on sustainabilityFactory farming - Effects on sustainabilityResearching – Silvopastures vs Factory FarmsPesticides in modern agriculturalHow we use technologies to help ecosystemsHow vehicles (technologies) affect ecosystemsPromoting biodiversity - learning from Indigenous practicesSTEM ActivitiesHands on experiments – building a bird feeder and an ecosystem in a bottleReading and writing codeSTEM Assignment – designing a robot cameraUnit testAnswer pages for all activities

Plants for Food and Fibre

Some of the concepts that are covered:

Basic needs of plants – light, water, air, space, and warmthParts of a plant – diagramHow we use plants – medicine, food, clothing, shelterIndigenous use of plantsWhy plants need animalsWhy animals need plantsHow plants are grown – farms, greenhouses, and gardensExperiment – growing plants in different environmentsLong-term effects of irrigationSeed plant life cycleBulb plant life cyclePlant classification – flowering vs non-floweringVascular vs non-vascular plantsPlant parts – roots, stem, leaves, flowers and seedsPlant profile – how a cactus can survive in extreme environmentsPhotosynthesisTranspiration – diffusion and osmosisExperiment – tasty leavesWhat is in our soilSoil profiles – sandy soil, silt soil, clay soil, and loamy soilTypes of soil certain plants needExperiment – soil composition testExperiment - Investigating the components of soilSTEM – soil testing technologiesCoding – soil testing machineAdditives in soil – fertilizers and pesticidesExperiment - Pop bottle composterPesticides – effects on soil/plantsEnvironmental challenges to plants – light, temperature, construction, droughtHydroponicsSelective breedingMonocultural farmingCrop rotationsPlant propagation - root cuttings, stem cuttings, seeds, division, suckersIndigenous agricultural practices promoting sustainabilityLocally grown foodTwo billion treesRobotic bees – pollinationInvasive species – PhragmitesUnit testAnswer pages for all activities

Heat and Temperature

Some of the concepts that are covered:

Why humans need heatThe history of heat use – campfires, fireplaces, stoves, furnaces, central heating systemsHeat-related technologies – hair and clothes dryers, stoves, oven mitts, ski suits, protective equipmentIndustrial heat processes – metallurgy, cement, glassWhat is thermal energy?The Particle Theory of MatterHeat transfer and the Particle TheoryThermal energy experimentHeat vs temperature – what is the difference?How heat is generatedEffects of heat on states of matterThermal expansion and thermal contraction in matterConvection – heat transfer examples in our everyday livesConvection – hot air balloonSea breeze and land breezes – convectionScience experiment – convection in actionConduction – travel mug exampleThermal conductivity versus thermal resistivityRadiation – heat transfer from the SunHeat transfer – convection, conduction, and radiation (real life examples)Assignment – creating a heat transfer infographicOcean currents and climate – convectionThe Sun’s heat affecting the water cycleThe Greenhouse EffectHuman activities creating greenhouse gasesResearch assignment – greenhouse gas emissions per countryRenewable and non-renewable sources of energy used to heat our homesGeothermal heat pumpsUsing renewable source of energy – wind, hydro, and solar (benefits and drawbacks)Energy efficient homes – insulation (R-values)Net-zero homes – insulation, improved construction materials (triple-paned windows)Lab experiment - insulationSTEM ActivitiesHands on Experiments – Greenhouse Gas Effect, Wind Turbines, Insulation LabBuilding models, systems, or structuresReading and writing codeSTEM Assignment – Heating and Cooling InventionUnit testAnswer pages for all activities

Structures and Forces

Some of the concepts that are covered:

Types of structures: shell structures, frame structures, and solid structuresCentre of gravity affecting a structure’s stabilityLeaning Tower of Pisa – How the centre of gravity is affecting its stabilityEvaluating the stability of structures by determining the centre of gravityCentre of gravity experimentsInternal forces – shear, compression, tension, and torsion affecting structuresFinding examples of these internal forces in our environmentExternal forces from the natural environment – natural forces (earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.)Tropical storms – hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclonesHow to build structures strong enough to withstand natural phenomenonStorm shutters, houses built on pillars, storm windowsThe Tacoma Narrows Bridge – how external and internal forces caused the collapseLive and dead loadsDescribing forces – Magnitude, direction, point of application and plane of applicationMagnitude – Force diagrams using arrowsDetermining the net force by reading force diagrams and arrowsSymmetrical structures creating stabilityStructural failures – poor foundations, bad designs, faulty construction and extraordinary loadsDigging foundations below the frost line – BasementsLeaning Tower of Pisa and its poor foundation – foundation settlingExamining bad designs in structures around the worldFaulty construction leading to structural failures – Skyline Plaza Apartment Building collapseProperties of materials – cement, steel, rubber and plasticChoosing the right building material – manufacturing shoesBeams – I beams (H beams) used under compressive loadsExperiment – building a cardboard I beamStrong structures – cats surviving high falls, tall sunflower plantsStructural analysis – engineers and architects researching the forces and loads acting on potential structuresStructural assessment reports – engineers working to keep structures safeSTEM ActivitiesHands on Experiments – building bridges, chairs, towerArtificial intelligence on construction sites keeping them safeCoding – Monitoring the Leaning Tower of PisaReading and writing codeSTEM Assignment – AI improving safety at recessUnit testAnswer pages for all activities

Planet Earth

Some of the concepts that are covered:

What is geology?Sudden vs gradual changes to the EarthSudden: earthquakes, volcanoes, and landslidesEvidence of how earthquakes, volcanoes, and landslides have changed the EarthHow volcanoes created the Hawaiian IslandsPlate boundaries – convergent, divergent, and transformExperiment – demonstrating plate boundariesWhere earthquakes happen – Pacific Ring of FireMount St. Helen Volcano eruption and landslideRocks vs mineralsClassifying rocks and mineralsMineral composition of certain rocks – granite, gneiss, limestone, conglomerate, etc.The rock cycle – reading and diagramScience experiment – the rock cycleGeological processes that create metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rockPhysical properties of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rockIdentifying metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rocksDescribing rocks/minerals using their properties – lustre, hardness, colour, texture, transparencyThe Mohs Test – testing the hardness of rocksEarth’s processes – compacting, cementing, cooling, heating, pressure, erosion, etc.Controlling erosion – seawallsWeathering rocks – sediments and sedimentationWeathering, erosion, and deposition – formation of islands and sand dunesThe effects of wind, water, and ice on rocks and landformsCoastal erosion – sea stumps, caves, arches and columnsWaterfall formation – erosionMountain formation – types of mountains and how they are formsRocks and fossilsWhat fossils tell us about Earth’s historyGeological time scaleResearch assignment – determining living organisms during each time period/eraMining technologies – core drilling and underground dronesSTEM Assignment – Underground DronesUnit testAnswer pages for all activities

GRADE 8 Units

Mix of Flow and Matter

Some of the concepts that are covered:

What is a fluid?WHMIS – Understanding safety symbolsThe safe handling, disposal, and storing of fluidsPure substances – compounds and elementsMixtures and pure substancesHomogenous mixtures and heterogenous mixturesClassifying mixtures and pure substancesClassifying homogenous and heterogenous mixturesScience experiment – homogenous and heterogenous mixturesSolutes, solvents, and solutionsScience experiment – testing the dissolving processFactors affecting solubilityDescribing solutions – concentration and dilution of solutionsDescribing the concentration of solutions – in quantitative and qualitative termsUnderstanding viscosityExperiment – comparing viscositiesParticle theory – effects on fluidsRelationship between mass, volume, and densityDensity of gases, liquids, and solidsCalculating density – mass/volumeBuoyancy – positive buoyancy, negative buoyancy, and neutral buoyancyExperiments determining buoyancy – water vs saltwater vs sugar waterArchimedes’ PrincipleLighter-than-air flying devices – airships and hot air balloons (buoyancy of gases)Compressing gases – experiment and reading/questionsMishandling of compressed gasesHydraulic systems vs pneumatic systemsPascal’s Law – buoyancyPerforming calculations using Pascal’s LawFactors affecting the flow of fluids – temperature, pressure, density, viscosityCalculating pressure – force per unit of area (Newtons per metre squared, Pascals, Kilopascals, and PSI)Regulating fluids in the circulatory system and in enginesValves in mechanical systemsComparing a fish’s bladder vs ballast waterImpacts of fluid technologies – renewable energy (wind turbines, hydro)Oil spills - The Deepwater Horizon oil spillIndigenous communities and oil spills – Ocean Man oil spillHands on Experiments – Comparing viscosities, densities of liquids, buoyancy, air pressureBuilding a hydraulic systemReading and writing code – cleaning up oil spills and coding hydraulic systemsSTEM Assignment – Researching and inventing fluid technologiesUnit testAnswer pages for all activities

Cells and Systems

Some of the concepts that are covered:

What is a cell?Cell theoryOrganelles in cells – nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, cell wall, mitochondria and moreResearch assignment – organelle in plant and animal cellsDiagrams of plant and animal cellsComparing plant and animal cells – structure, organelles, size, shapeIdentifying plant and animal cellsExperiment/activity – building a 3D model of a cellDiffusion of molecules in cellsOsmosis in cellsFactors affecting diffusionDiffusion and the exchange of gas in humans and frogsIdeal solutions for cells – osmosisUnicellular organisms – Amoeba and ParameciumResearch assignment – studying unicellular organismsMulticellular organisms – humans, worms, and frogsLevels of organization – cells, tissues, organs, and organ systemsResearching organ systems to learn about the organs, tissues, and cells includedNervous system – diagrams, reading and questionsCirculatory system – diagrams, reading and questionsCirculatory system experiment – testing heart rate and exerciseRespiratory system – diagrams, reading, questions, and building a respiratory system modelDigestive system – diagrams, reading, questions, and creating a model digestive systemSkeletal system - diagrams, reading and questionsMuscular system - diagrams, reading and questionsIntegumentary system – reading, diagram, and questionsImmune system – reading, diagram, and questionsExcretory system – reading, diagram, and questionsDiseases – Stroke, Asthma, Celiac, and Epilepsy – Readings and questions for all fourStem cell technologies treating disease – Alzheimer's and Spinal injuriesResearching advantages and disadvantages of stem cellsCellular agriculture – cultured meatUsing cultured meats – multiple perspectives (animals, environmentalists, livestock farmers)Unit testAnswer pages for all activities

Light and Optical Systems

Some of the concepts that are covered:

What is light?Properties of light – light absorbing, light reflecting, and light refractingExperiment – light mazeMeasuring reflected light using diagrams and a protractorWhite light – seeing coloursLight interacting with different materials – absorbing, reflecting, and refractingSTEM Assignment – creating a soundproof roomExperiment – creating a soundproof boxLight transmission - transparent, translucent, and opaque materialsExperiment – transparent, translucent, and opaque materialsLight refraction – reading and questionsExperiment – demonstrating refractionExperiment – refraction in water versus saltwaterRefraction – measuring angles of incidence and angle of refractionOptical illusionsResearch - Mirages and RainbowsCoherent versus incoherent lightVision – how do our eyes work?Binocular vision and binocular vision dysfunction (lazy eye, crossed eyes, etc.)Cones and rodsComparing eyes and camerasConcave versus convex lensesMicroscopes – compound lensesMicroscope diagramElectron microscopeDevices that use light – telescope, microscope, motion detector, microwaves, traffic lightsLight technologies – lasers correcting eye impairmentsLASIK and cataract surgeryOptical systems in animalsUnit testAnswer pages for all activities

Mechanical Systems

Some of the concepts that are covered:

What is a system?Purpose, inputs, and outputs of systemsComponents of systems – computer system, HVAC system, and backhoe systemImproving mechanical systems over time – Mill wheel, Archimedes’ Screw, Persian WheelTrial and error – The Wright Brothers and their experimenting/success in building a flying machinePhysics – using scientific terms (energy, work, forces, displacement, efficiency)Different types of energy – chemical, electrical, thermal, mechanical, nuclearForces – contact and non-contact forcesResearch assignment – understanding the compassDescribing everyday situations using scientific terms – forces, energy, work, displacement, efficiencyCalculating work using the formula work = force x distanceMechanical advantages using simple machinesCalculating the mechanical advantages of levers, gears, pulleys and inclined planesDiagrams of the simple machines and their mechanical advantagesLever experimentCompound machines – combining simple machines to build powerful systemsAnalyzing compound machines and systemsPneumatic systems – pressurized air (air compressor and nail guns)Hydraulic systems – qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the systemDetermining the mechanical advantages of hydraulic systemsPressure of fluidsImportance of machines – Machines helping us build the structures we have nowCalculating the pressure of pneumatic and hydraulic systems – Pascals and KilopascalsDissipating heat from mechanical systemsFriction causing dissipation (sliding friction, static friction, and rolling friction)Technologies reducing friction and dissipation (lubricants, wheels, furniture sliders)Experiment – phone book friction (sticky notes)Calculating efficiency – energy out/total energy in = efficiencyTechnological innovations improving productivity – robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), 3D printingResearch assignment – Industry 4.0 (evolution of industrial revolution)Automation of manufacturing industryImpact of automation on society, economy, and the environmentSelf-driving autonomous vehiclesAutomation – different points of viewHands on experiments – testing machines and testing efficiencyBuilding models, systems, or structuresReading and writing code – self-driving vehicles, lawn mowers, robot vacuumsUnit testAnswer pages for all activities

Freshwater and Saltwater Systems

Some of the concepts that are covered:

Studying glaciers – the CryosphereWater distribution on EarthWater characteristicsTDS – Total dissolved solids found in waterDifference between freshwater, saltwater, and potable waterPlants and animals living in saltwater and freshwaterOcean depth zonesAnimals living at each ocean depthAquatic habitats – deep oceanOverfishing – effects on populationsWatershed, Water table and AquifersGroundwater diagramsCoastal erosion – headlands, sea stumps, sea caves, sea stacks, archesFormation of headlands and baysMeandering streams – erosion and depositionExperiment - flow rate of a streamOceanic basins – geological features (trenches, continental shelves, and submarine volcanoes)Drinking water – Different types of wellsHuman activities affecting the water tableClimate change – Melting glaciersEffects of melting glaciers on coastal communitiesAssignment – Creating an Infographic about Melting GlaciersCoastal Storms – Hurricanes, Typhoons, Cyclones as well as storm surges and floodingMicroclimates – Victoria, BCComparing atmospheric conditions in coastal regions versus regions inlandWater quality – pH levels, turbidity, bacteria, dissolved oxygenExperiment – determining pH levels in local bodies of waterHuman activities affecting water quality – agriculture, fossil fuels, sewage, pharmaceuticalsWater treatment plants – research assignment and reading/questionsTertiary water treatment systemsRural water treatment systems – Septic tanksExperiment – creating a water filterHow cities manage water – water meters and incentives to conserve water usagePersonal water consumption surveyHow the Indigenous use waterDrinking water advisories in First Nation communitiesRainwater harvesting and greywater systems - technologiesDesalination systems – converting saltwater to freshwater technologiesHands on Experiments – groundwater model, testing pH levels, making a water filter, finding a microclimateReading and writing code – water testing technology and water testing inventionUnit testAnswer pages for all activities

This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals in the NEW science curriculum.

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